Tuesday, January 31, 2012

War Eagle Illustration 1-31-12

Illustration done for a Female wrestler's promotion in print and textile products.

The art was done 95 percent in Manga Studio Ex 4 with around 5 percent specifically touch-ups done in Photoshop CS3.

This is the first fully illustrated project that I have done in Manga Studio EX4, so the time was a
little augmented by a healthy learning curve of using a new piece of software.
The actual illustration time was around 85 hours, which I used Toggl a web project tracker to keep time. I really recommend it to help your time consumption and billable hours to your clients.

I am rather pleased how it turned out and the client was very excited to see their idea in full color. I believe that I will be using MS EX4 again for the next project.

Here are the links to the two products I used.


Manga Studio EX4:

